90 Day Stewardship Makover

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I read a book recently called 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess that was so inspiring it motivated me to "make-over" our finances and become better stewards.  The book was pretty extreme and I knew reading it that I could not mimic the authors own conversion.  That said, it was convicting and I spent a month praying about our family's own lack of self-discipline and stewardship.  The author took 7 months and "fasted" in seven different areas of excess in her life:clothes, shopping, waste, food, possessions, media, and stress.  There were several areas that spoke to me and I felt compelled to change.  I prayed about it and I wanted the focus to be on the three areas of stewardship: time, talent, and treasure. I wanted every area of our lives to be directed towards God and not wasting the many, many blessings he has given us.  The first month, time, will begin with a spending fast.  The focus is on self-discipline and creating a livable family budget. The second month, talent, is going to focus on creativity in our home and generating income.  Last, but definitely not least, is treasure.  That last month will be what we will do with our savings.  I hope our family motivates you and inspires you to be better stewards as well.  Please feel free to email me with your own tips on how your family saves money and manages your budget.