Sometimes, quality and customer service are more important than a bargain. My husband and I have four with Autism that counts as 10! So, customer service is priceless. My husband and I went to Kathleen's Kids for the first time a couple of years ago. In general, I did find most of their prices to be comparable to the mall. The only thing you have to watch for is you will have a $20.00 dress next to a $200.00 dress. So watch which dress you pick up! I learned a hard lesson with a $100.00 pair of hot pink shoes the night before Easter. That's another blog. Also, they have a bargain "closet" which really is a bargain ROOM. Don't forget to check the racks too! We bought Tiana's first communion dress there for $60.00. I felt that was VERY REASONABLE. The only way it could have been cheaper is if I could have made it myself. Which I can't. Because...I don't sew. That being said, I will tell you one thing you won't get at the mall: their amazing customer service. My daughter Willow can be very destructive and LOUD. They are so nonchalant and kind. They bring her cookies, take her to the playroom, clean up her messes (graciously), and help me manage my squirming toddler while my other kids shop. One time, we left some items there and they delivered it to my house after hours with some freebies. You aren't getting that at the mall. For the record, we aren't the types of customer that spends hundreds of dollars there. They treat us like we do. The last time we went Landon was having surgery and I needed a pair of house shoes. I had already gone to Target, Wal-Mart, and called Payless. No luck. So I called Kathleen’s Kids and told them what I needed. They had it, of course, and they helped me manage the chaos while Landon tried his shoes. They were very good quality and were $12.00. Tiana bought a pair of Mary Jane’s. We were a mess! Willow had paint all over her, Landon had on his PJ's, Tiana and Alex were dirty from the playground and I had on NO MAKE-UP and a sweatshirt and jeans. When I was paying, I looked around at the other put-together Moms and started to say something about the way we looked. The older woman who was ringing me up kindly interrupted me and said: "We don't care what you look like. We love it when you stop by. Please come back." I know she meant it. I will. After I finished paying, a mom with her three girls in Monte Cassino uniforms asked me if I needed help out. I am sure I looked like I did! She took my bags, her little girl grabbed my stroller and we were off to the car. I thanked her little girl (who looked very proud she could help) and complemented her on her new handbag. She beamed. I got in the car relieved and all the kids were happy. Mission accomplished.
Bargain Betty
Monday, February 1, 2010
I ran to Homeland today to sign up for their rewards card. All of Tulsa's "Coupon Queens" apparantly love it. I will tell you that I did not even use coupons and I saved $37.65. It is about a 33% grocery savings. I bought 39 items for $81.58. I came home and got on-line and signed up for some main in rebates and freebies. I picked up my favorite bargain at the end of the day! It is an All-In-One Folio from Mom Agenda. The price was originally 47.95 and I got it for 50% off at The Perfect Touch in Tulsa. I am in love with it already! You can get tons of free downloads from their website for your planner. I can't wait to get organized. I am off to the kitchen to make my family a wonderful meal of Potato Stroganoff, Beans, Brownies and Ice Cream that I practically paid nothing for. Life is good. With my savings I am planning on bumping up my contributions to church monetarily and give my extra goodies to Catholic Charities. All in a days work...
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3:41 PM